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Showing posts with label in Stockbridge. Show all posts

Tuesday 12 August 2014

HVAC Maintenance : Suggestions And Tips For Better Air Conditioning System Care And Maintenance

HVAC Maintenance : Suggestions And Tips For Better Air Conditioning System Care And Maintenance

Air conditioner repair

Suggestions And Tips For Better Air Conditioning System Care And Maintenance

Suggestions And Tips For Better Air Conditioning System Care And Maintenance
It goes without saying that the key to an efficiently and properly working air conditioning system is preventative maintenance and saving money by avoiding unnecessary repairs. But in order to understand the importance of this, you need to learn more about your HVAC system and understand what is involved in preventative maintenance. This will help you determine what maintenance tasks you can do yourself and which ones should be entrusted to a professional HVAC contractor or repair technician.

Understand How Your System Works

There are two primary components of any central air conditioning system - the condenser and the evaporator. You're A/C condenser unit is usually mounted outdoors on a slab near the back or side of the house. You will find the evaporator coil situated just above the furnace at the duct junction. Your air conditioning unit is attached to the forced-air distribution system. Basically, the blower, ductwork, and motor that are used to cool your home are also used to heat it.

Basic Preventative Maintenance Concerns

Let's be realistic. Having to deal with the costs of replacing your A/C system or repairs is not something that you would normally look forward to. However, it will be if you do not perform some basic preventative maintenance tasks that we have listed here:
First and foremost, practice being kind to your A/C system whenever possible - this means ensuring that all conditions within your home are optimal so that your system does not have to work too hard in order to cool things down. Look for areas where cool air can escape and correct them so your A/C unit is not constantly running.
Change or clean air filters when required - one of the simplest preventative maintenance measures you can practice is the changing or cleaning of your A/C's air filters. This simple task can add years to the life of your HVAC system and prevent costly repairs. When filters get clogged up with dirt and dust, it increases the chances of the fan getting littered as well. As a result, they get weighed down and cannot operate properly. As a result, you could experience a serious malfunction with your system and some very costly repair and/or replacement charges.
Clean air ducts - clogged air ducts restrict the flow of air which in turn causes your system to work harder than what it is supposed to and drives your utility bills up through the roof. It can even cause motor burnout in more serious cases. If you don't want to incur costly repair or replacement expenses, have your air ducts checked regularly and clean them out whenever it is necessary. This applies to any fans in your A/C system as well.

Preventative Maintenance Schedule Advantages

Most HVAC installation and repair companies offer preventative maintenance schedules or programs. Many individuals think this is an unnecessary expense until there is a breakdown and they are faced with costly repair or replacement charges. That could have easily been avoided if you had invested in a preventative maintenance program so that a technician comes out to your home to clean and inspect your A/C system.

Saturday 31 May 2014

I'm Still working phone is on to schedule tomorrows work

Locust grove air conditioner repairman scheduling Tomorrow too


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Sunday 25 May 2014

This is why you leak freon resolved

Rusty coil the rust cuts into the copper and pisssssssssss you go a leak. Replace this do not fill it.

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Sunday 9 March 2014

I have to buy a new AC, Should I purchase a new furnace at the same time?

Like most other appliances and equipment inside a home, home heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems must be periodically replaced. This is just a natural fact. Of course, the air conditioner and furnace, although generally run through the same vents, are two separate entities and must be purchased, or replaced separately. Due to this, when someone is considering a new air conditioner, they may wonder if they should purchase a new furnace along with it. Well, it isn't typically as simply as just saying yes or no, as a residential HVAC may not need an upgrade for both systems at the same time.

The main factor anyone considering a new furnace along with the air conditioner must take int account is the overall age of the two appliances. If the house is on the newer side, chances are both the air conditioner and the furnace were both installed at the same time. This means, theoretically, both systems are going to wear down in roughly the same amount of time, possibly give or take a year or two. However, if the house has had multiple owners in previous years, the air conditioner may actually be several years older than the furnace. When replacing both systems, it makes sense to do so if both are roughly the same age. However, if the furnace is five years or more newer than the air conditioner, it still has plenty of life in it, making it rather pointless to install a new air furnace at the given time. New furnaces and air conditioners are now Energy Star efficient, so less electricity and gas are used to run the equipment, but the cost of a new furnace far surpass possible savings when there is still life left in the equipment. So, if the furnace is considerably newer than the AC, only installing a new AC into the residential HVAC is the most logical and cost effective option.

If the furnace isn't running ragged, despite being the same age as the AC unit, a valuable option is to bring in a home HVAC inspector to see if the furnace is serviceable for an extended period of time. These professionals are able to make recommendations as to if a new furnace is necessary, or if the current equipment is able to function further into the future. 

A rather large upside to installing both a new AC and furnace into a residential HVAC system is a cost reduction. Most service provides reduce the total equipment and installation cost when both devices are installed at the same time. This way, the warranty for the two devices runs out the same time, the equipment both is able to run energy efficient, not to mention a home owner doesn't have to worry about having their utility space or basement under minor construction at two different points in time. This by far is the more convenient method to go about improving the heating and cooling of the house. 

Often times this just comes down to a personal preference. If a home owner believes they will be staying in the house for an extended period of time and the furnace does not need replacing, than installing just the AC unit is cost effective and corrects any current problem in the residential HVAC system. However, if the home owner is considering selling the house, upgrading and installing a new furnace, along with the AC, looks good to possible interested house shoppers, not to mention the new equipment improves the overall value of the house, making it easier to sell the house for a desired price.

Wednesday 7 November 2012

Heating and air in Stockbridge

Furnace repair in Stockbridge. Aaac service heating and air local Henry co residential furnace repaiir services Stockbridge with same day repairs. If your furnace won't start be sure the gas is on. Check the power and furnace door. Call Aaac service in Mcdonough open 7 day a week. Low prices on furnace replacements in Stockbridge. 7708754113