Saturday 15 March 2014

Furnace Replacement: 8 Ways to Determine If You Need a New System

  1. Repair frequency: Have you scheduled more than two furnace repairs this winter? If so, your furnace could be signaling that it’s near the end of its life.
  2. Higher energy bills: Minnesota was certainly affected by the polar vortexes this winter, meaning your heating bills have probably been higher due to greater energy usage. Fluctuating energy prices also affect how much you pay to heat your home. A third factor is your furnace’s ability to work efficiently. If your furnace is nearing the end, its energy efficiency is likely to plummet.
  3. Discomfort: If some rooms seem too hot while others seem overly cool, the furnace could be to blame. A furnace replacement might be necessary, though your technician should check the ductwork just in case that’s the problem.
  4. Odd cycling patterns: There could be something wrong if the furnace cycles on and off more frequently than usual. This change is a sign your furnace could need a repair or even a replacement.
  5. Humidity problems: An aging furnace can lead to either too much or too little indoor relative humidity, both of which affect wintertime comfort. Air that’s too dry or too humid could also damage wood fixtures in your home.
  6. Strange noises: Sometimes, a rattling, buzzing or humming sound simply means a repair is in order. Other times, it signals permanent damage and the need for a replacement.
  7. Excess dust: A dustier home could mean the furnace is malfunctioning. An aging furnace may even put out soot, dirt or rust particles.
  8. Visible signs of rust on the furnace: This is never a good sign, especially if the rust covers the heat exchanger. If this expensive component becomes damaged, plan on an immediate replacement.

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