Sunday 9 March 2014

Filtration why change your filter.

Keep system clean
The primary function of a filter is to keep the components inside the system clean. This is what the basic filters are designed for; as the air travels the ductwork and arrives at the furnace the filter will trap all large debris and particles from the air. The result is air that is cleaner passing through the furnace to be delivered back to the home.
Reduce dust
Although no furnace filter is designed specifically to dust your house, a better quality filter will trap more and smaller particles and reduce the amount of particles delivered back to your ductwork and home. One common misunderstood point is that only a small amount of the “dust” in your home will actually make its way into the ductwork to even cross the filter. It would be nice, but any filtration system will only provide minimal help with dust.
Reduce Allergens
A high quality filtration system can go along way to help reduce allergy issues. There are several type that can help, the best ones out there use heap filtration. This can provide significant relief. There are also electronic filter that provide good relief. Then the high end cartridge filters that help with minor allergies. These can be fitted into your existing system with only minor changes.
As you can see, filters can provide many solutions to your home. However if you try to accomplish a specific task with the wrong filter it will lead to frustration and wasted money. Pick your contractor carefully and be sure the are confident and educated on each type filter and how they might help you.

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